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Vibrating screen used in construction waste classification


Construction waste affect people's living environment, how to make full use of the construction waste. Screening equipment-vibrating screen is a great helper for construction waste classification.
The following points are how the construction waste recycle:
1.  Use abandoned buildings and abandoned brick concrete aggregate to procuce coarse and fine aggregate. It can be used in the production of the corresponding strength grade concrete and mortar such as block, wall, floor tile and other building materials products. After adding curing materials, it also can be used for highway pavement base.
2.  Use waste brick to produce aggregate. It can be used for the production of recycled brick, block, wall, floor tiles and other building materials. 
3.  Waste residue can be used in road construction, fillers, pile foundation and so on.
4. For waste wood kind of construction waste, there is no obvious damaged wood, it can be directly used for building again. Seriously damaged wood components can be used as the  regenerative wooden raw materials or paper. 
5. According to proper proportion, abandoned pavement asphalt mixture can be directly used for  recycling asphalt concrete.
6. Abandoned roads concrete can be processed into recycled aggregate, then use it to make recycled concrete.
7. Scrap steel and other metal scrap materials can be reused or recycled processing. 
Using vibrating screen to classify construction waste, it can effectively improve the environment, also can make the resource recycling, made important contribution for national saving resource. And do important contributions for saving resource.

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