Vibrating screen,Vibrating Sieve,Circular vibrating screen - Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD.

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Ultrasonic vibrating screen application advantages


Dahan ultrasonic vibration screen screens material particularity, attached to the ultrasonic vibration sieve waves (mechanical waves), so ultra-fine ultrasound accept huge acceleration, thereby inhibiting adhesion, friction, flat down, wedging and other factors blocking network to improve screening efficiency and clean network efficiency, what are the advantages of ultrasonic vibration sieve in fine powder industry?
1.accelerate the aggregate, high electrostatic separation, high-precision, high-density, light weight, the adsorption material, thereby increasing the amount of screening;
2. the decomposition adhesion substances, reducing sieve material, than do not install ultrasonic vibration sieve over the net rate increased 5-20 fold; 

3. the unique DHC ultrasound screening system applications, without adding any other screen cleaning device, with a self-cleaning function mesh is not blocked ; 
4. it can clearly separate the fine particle diameter approaching; 
5. does not change the characteristics of the screening material, especially for the new material; 
6. the capacity and scope of screening, screening machines can not reach other technologies;
7. screening can increase the intensity of 1-100%, output can be increased 1-15 times, truly meet the industrial production more than fine powder of 400 mesh material;
8. to prevent clogging and similar particles of 50-625 mesh mesh mesh impaction, prolong the life of precious screen;
9. applied to 20 microns to 300 microns sieve powder separation, especially for the screening of the material is difficult to effect significant;
10. excellent matching performance ultrasonic vibration sieve system does not make the operating temperature is high, you can continue to work, particularly for applications that require controlled temperature materials, such as: drugs and raw materials, thermosetting coatings industry.

Vibrating sieve Filter sieve Horizontal airflow sieve Direct discharge sifter Vibrating sieve accessories Vibration motor Airflow sieve Test sieve Square vibrating sieve Conveyor equipment

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